• Checklist for the Short Trip Lovers 


    Do you have the urge to know the unknowns? Is it your passion to come out of your comfort zone?

    If answers to these two questions are YES, you are a traveloholic. Due to the excitement of trips, some travel-freaks like you often realize that they forgot to include some essential objects in their travel kit. As a result, their travel remains incomplete. It mainly happens during the short trips as the packing is done in a hurry.

    We have prepared a checklist exclusively for the short trip lovers to help you in having an awesome experience during your short-trip.

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    What to pack for 2-3 days trip?

    You may follow this checklist and pack the following objects:


    ü  Essential documents like pre-booked tickets and identity card

    ü  Passport

    ü  Driving license (for road trip via bike or car)

    These documents might be asked for verification, so don’t forget to pack these. You may carry these in your backpack throughout the trip as well.

    Extremely essentials

    ü  Purse or wallet

    ü  Water bottle

    ü  Specs

    ü  Contact lens with solution

    ü  Perfume or deodorant

    ü  Toothbrush and toothpaste

    ü  Soap and shampoo (only if you are particular with the brand)

    ü  Sanitary kit

    ü  Hand sanitizer

    ü  Mobile, charger, earphone, power bank

    ü  Laptop (if needed) with charger

    ü  Medical kit with basic medicine, ointment, band-aid, and medicated lotion

    Some people may skip the sanitary kit and medical kit as they believe these are useless for a trip of 2-3 days. But, it is advised to carry these two as your resort may not have a hospital nearby. However, a hospital is located near Mahulban resort and it will not be an issue to get emergency treatment during your Baranti trip.

    In case of emergency, you can do self-treatment with these two kits if there is no hospital nearby. Also, these kits will serve you well during solo trips.

    Dress and shoe

    ü  A pair of comfortable bottom wear (full or short)

    ü  A pair of tops or t-shirts

    ü  Comfortable shoes

    ü  Sleepwear and slippers

    ü  Undergarments

    ü  Swimwear (only if you have planned to swim)

    During a trip, comfort is essential, and for that comfort, you need to pack comfortable wearables. Just for the sake of looking stylish do not pack any new dress if it is not very comfortable to wear an entire day.

    Winter or Summer Specials

    ü  Bodywarmer or sweaters or windcheaters or jackets

    ü  Hat or sunglasses or scarf

    You must have the idea of the climate of the place you are going. If you do not have the idea, you can check Google and pack the summer and winter wearables accordingly.


    ü  Watch

    ü  Hair clips and hairbands

    ü  Comb

    ü  Shaving kit (if needed)

    These objects will make your trips more comfortable. Most importantly you will not have to ask for these simple accessories to anyone if you have these with you. Also, these accessories will make you more stylish.

    For photographers

    ü  Camera with charger

    If you are a photographer, you will definitely want to capture some moments from your trips in your camera and cherish those moments forever. So include the camera in your travel kit.

    For Trekkers

    ü  Trekking shoes and trekking kit (if you are going especially to trek)

    Without these, you will not be able to have the best experience of trekking, so don’t forget these.

    What not to pack for 2-3 days trip?

    Do not pack:  

    û  Ornaments, heavy and uncomfortable garments and high heels (unless you are going on any occasion)

    û  Any types of food (try to taste the authentic foods of the place you are going)

    These will make your luggage unnecessarily heavy. So feel free to skip these two.



    End words

    That’s all, along with this checklist; you need to remember that your luggage needs to be lightweight as you are going for 2-3 days. So try not to include only the necessary objects.

    In case, you are planning to bring some objects from that place, your luggage has to be even lighter. It’s because it will be a bit difficult to travel with heavy luggage. In such cases, you will need to include only the most essential objects in your travel kit.

    This checklist is for the general purpose and you will probably need to include or exclude some objects as per your requirements. If you are comfortable in sharing goods with travel mates, your travel kit can be lightweight by putting only the essential ones.

    So pack wisely and make your coming short trip a memorable and flawless one!


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